Four words: One. Million. Downloads. ShaBoom!
This week, we are pleased to share that over the past 10 months, SketchUp users have downloaded 1 million extensions from Extension Warehouse, our online repository of add-on tools.
Extension Warehouse launched last May. Since then, over 50 developers have contributed 245 extensions. Our extensibility team has carefully reviewed each extension for quality, both initially and whenever a developer uploads a new release. New extensions and upgrades are being submitted daily. The range and quality of these tools are simply amazing. Without a doubt, these extensions make SketchUp even more useful, versatile, and fun.
In addition, the SketchUp Ruby API received a major upgrade to version 2.0 in SketchUp 2014. This update was a much needed improvement, but the downside was that many existing extensions were not necessarily compatible with the latest version of SketchUp. Thankfully, we�ve see the SketchUp developer community rise to the occasion like a rocket ship. Today, over 70% of extensions are compatible with SU 2014.
Extension Warehouse has also played a role in the creation or distribution of several open source projects, including the SketchUp STL extension, Shapes, WikiHouse and Developer Tools. Anyone is free to contribute to our open source projects on github.
If you haven�t installed an extension recently, we'd encourage you to spend some time browsing Extension Warehouse inside SketchUp (Window > Extension Warehouse). Whether you are looking for a productivity boosting utility or a full blown rendering application, there really is something for everyone. Also, many folks don�t realize that the Extension Warehouse is one of the best ways to manage an extension library. If you ever need to quickly update, migrate, or re-install all your extensions, log-in from to Extension Warehouse inside SketchUp and check out the great features on the �My Extensions� page.
We would like to extend (pun intended) a huge �Thank You!� to all the extension developers and loyal users who have helped us reach this one million downloads milestone. The first year of Extension Warehouse is shaping up to be a great one, and we have big plans to make year two even better. Stay tuned!
Posted by Bryce Stout, Extensibility Product Manager