In the past year or so, we�ve noticed several major publications attempting to interpret the �maker movement� through its sociological, economic, and technological implications. For us, it�s still pretty simple: making things is fun, especially when you do it with friends.
This is, really, why we go to Maker Faires. We love building stuff and learning from other makers. So, looking forward to this year�s Maker Faire Bay Area, we�d like to try something new: a collaborative project with the maker community that hacks the greater Maker Faire experience.
Together with the team at MAKE and ShopBot Tools, we�ve cooked up the Maker Faire Design Challenge, a competition to design and fabricate the information kiosk that helps visitors navigate Maker Faire. If your design wins, we�ll work with you and build your project together at Maker Faire Bay Area in May. When the show closes down, your project will join Maker Faire�s event quiver, and the open-sourced design will be shared with Maker Faires worldwide.
You�ll find all the details about the competition on, but since you�ve already cozied up to the SketchUpdate, here�s a bit more about how it works:
The design challenge: create an information and wayfinding kiosk that improves the experience of people finding their way around Maker Faire Bay Area (a pretty expansive event). You can enter by filling out this form and including a link to your SketchUp model on 3D Warehouse. And because this is an open-source competition, we�ll curate the best designs and share them with the broader maker community in our open 3D Warehouse collection.
One of our goals for this project is to improve the Maker Faire experience in a sustainable way, so you�ll want to pay close attention to the Challenge Guidelines. We�re looking for a project that�s simple, useful, economical, buildable, reusable, and (for sure) fun. Oh, and it should be made primarily out of CNC�d plywood. For inspiration see: Shelter 2.0, WikiHouse, AtFab, and beyond. Have questions about what makes for a good design? Drop a comment into this forum thread.
On April 21st, we�ll announce the design challenge winner, and here�s where the fun starts: Together with editors from MAKE, the SketchUp team, and our friends at ShopBot, we�ll work together to prep your project for fabrication and then build it with you at Maker Faire Bay Area. Then, we�ll fly you out to Maker Faire Bay Area, and we�ll all get our hands dirty building the thing. So, read-up on the Challenge Guidelines (a design brief, if you will) and show us what you�ve got. We can�t wait to see what you come up with!
Posted by Mark Harrison, SketchUp Team