Have you ever had that moment in SketchUp where you discovered something new and your entire day got a little brighter? We created a new video series that�ll hopefully add more of those moments to your month. Our new SketchUp Skill Builder videos are meant to be short (just a few minutes), so you can grab some morning coffee and learn something new in a few sips!
As we release these videos, we�ll also create separate discussion threads for each video in the Tutorials category of our SketchUp Forum. That�s the place to go if you have questions about a technique, or an idea about how to model even smarter.
We�re planning to release a few Skill Builders each month, and we�d love to hear what techniques you�d like to learn more about or any of your own modeling tips you�d like to share with the SketchUp community. Fill out this form to suggest an idea for a future Skill Builder video.
Posted by Josh Reilly, SketchUp Team
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